Book Girl and the Captive Fool près de chez vous
Un livre écrit par Mizuki Nomura
Date de parution : 2011-08-16 - Editeur : Yen On
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Ce livre traite de :
#Tohko part à la recherche de la personne qui vandalise les livres
#en anglais
When Tohko learns that someone is vandalizing books in the school library, she immediately launches an investigation. After all, there is hardly a more serious crime imaginable to a literature-eating goblin! Of course, Konoha is pulled (reluctantly) into his capricious club president's latest obsession, and when the culprit is caught, his penance is to participate in a play that Tohko has decided to organize for the school's cultural festival. Just as Oscar Wilde posited that \"Life imitates Art far more than Art imitates Life,\" Konoha begins to notice similarities emerging between the circumstances that led to the vandalism of the library books and the relationships borne out in the literature club's play. The sometimes-frightening ties between people force Konoha to reexamine his understanding of true friendship...but will Konoha's newfound openness only leave him more vulnerable to betrayal?
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Book Girl and the Captive Fool de Mizuki Nomura
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